
Merit Badge Counselors

Eagle Required

Click each merit badge below to see the names of the Merit Badge counselors in our Troop.

Mr. Edgerton

Mrs. Springer

Mr. Nielsen

Mrs. Manspeaker

Mrs. Manspeaker

Mr. Edgerton

Mrs. Manspeaker

Mr. Edgerton

Mrs. Manspeaker

Mr. Edgerton

Mrs. Blankenship

Mrs. Manspeaker

Mr. Edgerton
Mrs. Manspeaker

Mr. Nielsen

No counselors in our Troop
Please contact Mr. Nielsen or Mrs. Blankenship for a list of counselors in our District.

No counselors in our Troop
Please contact Mr. Nielsen or Mrs. Blankenship for a list of counselors in our District.

Mrs. Blankenship

Mr. Edgerton

Mr. Nielsen

Mr. Nielsen

No counselors in our Troop
Please contact Mr. Nielsen or Mrs. Blankenship for a list of counselors in our District.

Mrs. Blankenship

Mrs. Blankenship

Mr. Edgerton

No counselors in our Troop
Please contact Mr. Nielsen or Mrs. Blankenship for a list of counselors in our District.

No counselors in our Troop
Please contact Mr. Nielsen or Mrs. Blankenship for a list of counselors in our District.


Click each merit badge below to see the names of the Merit Badge counselors in our Troop.

If the merit badge you want to earn is not on this list, please contact Mr. Nielsen or Mrs. Blankenship for a list of counselors in our District.

Mrs. Springer

Mr. Nielsen

Mr. Edgerton

Mr. Blankenship

Mrs. Springer

Mr. Nielsen

Mrs. Springer

Mrs. Springer

Mrs. Blankenship

Mrs. Blankenship

Mrs. Springer

Mrs. Springer

Mr. Edgerton

Mrs. Manspeaker

Mr. Manspeaker

Mrs. Manspeaker

Mr. Manspeaker